Monday, November 21, 2011

World Mission Society Church of God - Children of Heavenly Jerusalem Mother

World Mission Society Church of God follows God the Father Christ Ahnsahnghong and God the Mother Heavenly Mother New Jerusalem.

The Bible says that we are “children of promise like Isaac”; what condition of faith is required for us to become like Isaac. The most important factor that decided the heir of Abraham was Sarah, the mother of Isaac. Ishmael was also a son of Abraham, but his mother was a slave.

God suggested two conditions for being te heir of Abraham. The first condition was that he should come from Abraham’s own body, and the second and final condition was that he should come from Sara’s own body. God did not acknoledge anyone who did not come the body of Abraham as of Sarah as Abraham’s heir, that is, his first born son.

We have God our Mother, the holy Jerusalem, who is free (Gal.4:26). No one can be an heir of God except through God the Mother, only through Her we can receive salvation!

May God bless you all.


  1. We can go back to the heaven through promise of God.
    and can live forever in heaven.

  2. The people who will enter the kingdom of heaven are only those who believe the free woman, the Mother of our spirits, and are born as the children of the new covenant.

  3. Though our Heavenly Mother we can be children of God.

  4. 1John2:25 And this is what he promised us - even eternal life.
    Thanks to Heavenly Mother for giving me a precious promise.
