Thursday, November 10, 2011

World Mission Society Church of God - God the Mother, Proclaim the Glory of Jerusalem to the World 3

World Mission Society Church of God follows God the Father Christ Ahnsahnghong and God the Mother Heavenly Mother New Jerusalem.

World Mission Society Church of God- In this age,only God the Father Christ Ahnsahnghong and God the Mother (Heavenly Mother) can give us salvation.

The heavenly inheritance is given through Mother
The history of Abraham's family shows through whom we can become God's chil-dren and inherit the kingdom of God. God has made those who are like Isaac children of promise and allowed them the blessing of eternal life. As Isaac was designated as Abraham's heir through his mother, so we can become God's heirs through our Mother and enjoy the precious blessing of eternal life.

Those who do not know Jerusalem our Mother can never become children of promise like Isaac. God said, "A son coming from your own body will be your heir." Ishmael was the first begotten son of Abraham, who was 14 years older than Isaac. Nevertheless, why didn't God accept Ishmael as Abraham's heir? Ishmael represents those who know God only as Father. However, the Bible clearly shows that there is God the Mother as well.

God has determined not to give the heavenly inheritance to those who have no part with Him. He doesn't accept the people, who believe in God the Father but do not believe in God the Mother, as His heirs. It is Mother who holds the final key. Everything on this earth is a copy and shadow of what is in heaven. If we think about why God lets the physical life be given through a mother, we can understand what the divine will is.

Surely there is a reason why God establishes Jerusalem and makes her the praise of the earth. The history of Abraham's family shows how much Mother has suffered until She is glorified. However, it expresses just a little bit of Her suffering. Until we've received eternal life promised by God, there's been the great sacrifice of Mother, who has suffered so much for 6,000 years in order to lead Her children to heaven. Mother grants us, Her children, eternal life through Her invisible, inexpressible pains. That's why God does not rest until He makes Mother the praise of the earth. The Bible describes the scene that God's children, who have received Jerusalem Mother, nurse and are satisfied at Her comforting breasts, delighting in Her overflowing abundance, like a child.

Heavenly Mother whom the Bible testifies about
The existence of our heavenly Mother is already recorded in Genesis. Let's look back to the time when our heavenly Mother did the work of creation together with our heavenly Father.

Gen 1:26-28 "Then God said, "Let us make man in our image, in our likeness, and let them rule over the fish of the sea and the birds of the air, over the livestock, over all the earth, and over all the creatures that move along the ground." So God created man in his own image, in the image of God he created him; male and female he created them. ..."

When God created man in His own image, male and female were created in the image of God. This suggests that there are two images of God: male and female. That's why God said when creating man, "Let us make man ...," instead of saying, "I will make man..."

Even before the creation of the world, both images of God already existed: the male image of God and the female image of God. Therefore, those who have received only God the Father cannot be God's heirs. Although they live together in Abraham's family and call him Lord or Father, they cannot inherit his estate, just as Eliezer and Ishmael, who were not children of Sarah, didn't inherit Abraham's property.

If we just call out to God without knowing Him correctly, we cannot communicate with God. We can worship God rightly when we know Him. Keeping the will of God in mind, we should quickly proclaim Jerusalem our Mother, who is life, to all the nations of the world. As the eternal kingdom of God is close at hand, we will bear more good fruit if we fully proclaim the glory of Jerusalem our Mother. God's prophecy must surely be fulfilled if we believe in it and put it into practice.

Proclaim the glory of the new Jerusalem to the whole world
We have to fulfill the prophecies of the Bible diligently. Young adult members like the dew of the dawn must arise; the gospel must be preached to all nations; and the prophesied 144,000, whom John saw, will all come to Mount Zion and be guided by the Spirit and the Bride.

We must not delay doing God's work. Even at this moment, time passes away. Making the most of every moment, let's proclaim the glory of Jerusalem our heavenly Mother all the more. Some will probably intend to defame the glory of Jerusalem, like Tobiah and Sanballat. However, even amid their hindrance, the city of Jerusalem was completed without fail, because it was the work of the Holy Spirit, not something men could accomplish by themselves.

We all experienced the work of the Holy Spirit during the Preaching Festival of the Feast of Tabernacles. The number of the souls we found during the week of the Preaching Festival is almost the same as the number of the souls whom we had found for a year. How can we say it's the work of men? Since we all became one with filial piety toward Jerusalem our Mother, the gracious work of the Holy Spirit occurred, like a good son in an ancient Korean story who moved heaven and was able to find strawberries for his old mother in the middle of the winter.

Now, through the fire of the Holy Spirit, let's proclaim the glory of Jerusalem our Mother to the whole world. Then the people of all nations will come together to see the glory of God, and when each of them returns he will proclaim God's glory in his country (Isa 66:18-19). How amazing!

It is our mission to proclaim the glory of Jerusalem throughout the whole world. When Gideon's army of 300 soldiers broke the jars, held the torches hidden in them and shouted, "For the LORD!" they were able to defeat 135,000 men and won a great victory. Likewise, when we shout out the glory of Jerusalem, a marvelous work will occur. Now is the time for us to break the jars and hold the torches high. Let's shout altogether, lifting up the torches. Let us all arise and shine the light of the gospel to the whole world. Looking forward to the day when God's glory will be shone brightly all over the world, let us diligently proclaim the light of the glory of the new Jerusalem to the whole world.

May God bless you all.

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